СУБД с хранением данных по столбцами и по строкам

Определение таблиц базы данных SSBM

LINEORDER Table Layout (SF*6,000,000 are populated) ORDERKEY numeric (int up to SF 300) first 8 of each 32 keys used LINENUMBER numeric 1-7 CUSTKEY numeric identifier foreign key reference to C_CUSTKEY PARTKEY identifier foreign key reference to P_PARTKEY SUPPKEY numeric identifier foreign key reference to S_SUPPKEY ORDERDATE identifier foreign key reference to D_DATEKEY ORDERPRIORITY fixed text, size 15 (5 Priorities: 1-URGENT, etc.) SHIPPRIORITY fixed text, size 1 QUANTITY numeric 1-50 (for PART) EXTENDEDPRICE numeric, MAX about 55,450 (for PART) ORDTOTALPRICE numeric, MAX about 388,000 (for ORDER) DISCOUNT numeric 0-10 (for PART) - (Represents PERCENT) REVENUE numeric (for PART: (extendedprice*(100-discount))/100) SUPPLYCOST numeric (for PART, cost from supplier, max = ?) TAX numeric 0-8 (for PART) COMMITDATE Foreign Key reference to D_DATEKEY SHIPMODE fixed text, size 10 (Modes: REG AIR, AIR, etc.) Compound Primary Key: ORDERKEY, LINENUMBER

PART Table Layout (200,000*[l+log2SF] populated) PARTKEY identifier NAME variable text, size 22 (Not unique per PART but never was) MFGR fixed text, size 6 (MFGR#l-5, CARD = 5) CATEGORY fixed text, size 7 (‘MFGR#’l-5l-5: CARD = 25) BRAND1 fixed text, size 9 (CATEGORY1-40: CARD = 1000) COLOR variable text, size 11 (CARD = 94) TYPE variable text, size 25 (CARD = 150) SIZE numeric 1-50 (CARD = 50) CONTAINER fixed text(10) (CARD = 40)

Primary Key: PARTKEY

SUPPLIER Table Layout (SF*10,000 are populated) SUPPKEY identifier NAME fixed text, size 25: ‘Supplier’SUPPKEY ADDRESS variable text, size 25 (city below) CITY fixed text, size 10 (10/nation: nation_prefix(0-9)) NATION fixed text(15) (25 values, longest UNITED KINGDOM) REGION fixed text, size 12 (5 values: longest MIDDLE EAST) PHONE fixed text, size 15 (many values, format: 43-617-354-1222) Primary Key: SUPPKEY

CUSTOMER Table Layout (SF*30,000 are populated) CUSTKEY numeric identifier NAME variable text, size 25 ‘Customer’CUSTKEY ADDRESS variable text, size 25 (city below) CITY fixed text, size 10 (10/nation: NATION_PREFIX(0-9) NATION fixed text(15) (25 values, longest UNITED KINGDOM) REGION fixed text, size 12 (5 values: longest MIDDLE EAST) PHONE fixed text, size 15 (many values, format: 43-617-354-1222) MKTSEGMENT fixed text, size 10 (longest is AUTOMOBILE) Primary Key: CUSTKEY

DATE Table Layout (7 years of days: 7366 days) DATEKEY identifier, unique id - e.g. 19980327 (what we use) DATE fixed text, size 18, longest: December 22, 1998 DAYOFWEEK fixed text, size 8, Sunday, Monday Saturday) MONTH fixed text, size 9: January, …, December YEAR unique value 1992-1998 YEARMONTHNUM numeric (YYYYMM) - e.g. 199803 YEARMONTH fixed text, size 7: Marl998 for example DAYNUMINWEEK numeric 1-7 DAYNUMINMONTH numeric 1-31 DAYNUMINYEAR numeric 1-366 MONTHNUMINYEAR numeric 1-12 WEEKNUMINYEAR numeric 1-53 SELLINGSEASON text, size 12 (Christmas, Summer,...) LASTDAYINWEEKFL 1 bit LASTDAYINMONTHFL 1 bit HOLIDAYFL 1 bit WEEKDAYFL 1 bit Primary Key: DATEKEY

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